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The Business Case for Autonomous Cloud Management

In this article, we delve into the reintroduction of autonomous infrastructure within the realm of large-scale systems, shedding light on the transformative changes that have taken place in infrastructure development over the past few decades. The insights shared here are the result of a collaborative effort involving multiple speakers who engaged in a thought-provoking discussion, comparing the distinctions between traditional monolithic systems and emerging paradigms such as Kubernetes and serverless environments. The focus lies on highlighting the advantages offered by enhanced flexibility and access to a diverse range of tools. As the conversation unfolds, we shift our attention towards the crucial role that autonomous systems play in this dynamic landscape and why relying solely on automation falls short of our aspirations. By embracing autonomy, we open up new possibilities to transcend the previously inevitable trade-offs that accompanied investment decisions, business choices, and market strategies. We reflect on the age-old dilemma where one must choose between something being good, fast, or cheap, realizing that achieving all three simultaneously has long been an elusive goal. However, our speakers firmly believe that with advancements in technology and the successful implementation of autonomy, these trade-offs can be overcome.
Published on
August 22, 2022

Understanding Lambda Extensions

In this article, we'll be exploring an important topic: Lambda Extensions. These extensions are a powerful feature that was introduced last year. So, let's jump straight into it and understand the details of this valuable addition.
Published on
March 28, 2024

FCIs Are the New Availability

Failed Customer Interactions (FCIs) are a valuable metric measuring customer experience that accounts for the declining usefulness of time based measures such as uptime in microservice based architectures. It provides valuable insights into system availability from a customer-centric standpoint.
Published on
April 26, 2024

Take the 2022 State of SRE Survey

We are proud to sponsor the DevOps Institute 2022 State of SRE report.
Published on
March 14, 2022

Sedai Raises $15M Funding for Autonomous Cloud Management

We raised more than $15M in Series A funding led by Norwest Venture Partners. We are defining the future of SRE. Join us in the autonomous movement!
Published on
March 14, 2022

[VIDEO] Join the Autonomous Movement

From ensuring the highest levels of uptime availability to optimizing your code releases and cloud costs, learn how Sedai's autonomous cloud platform can become a staple in your SRE tool kit.
Published on
March 14, 2022

[VIDEO] The Autonomous Cloud Platform Built for SREs

Sedai automatically discovers resources, intelligently analyzes traffic and performance metrics and continuously manages your production environments — without manual thresholds or human intervention. Try the autonomous cloud platform for free at
Published on
March 14, 2022

Smart Recommendations for a Serverless-first Strategy

Div Shekhar, AWS Solution Architect, shares how AWS customers Coca-Cola, Nielsen Marketing Cloud and Lego are driving agility, increasing performance and improving security with a serverless strategy. Suresh Mathew, founder of Sedai, also shares the benefits of continuous and autonomous management of Lambda environments.
Published on
March 13, 2022

Sedai to Open New R&D Center in India

Today we announced our Series A funding, and we are thrilled to announce we are opening a new product engineering division in Thiruvananthapuram to advance the autonomous movement.
Published on
March 13, 2022
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