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Best Cloud Cost Management Platforms in 2024

Discover the top 18 cloud cost management tools for 2024. Learn how to optimize your cloud spend, reduce waste, and align costs with business goals using AI-driven platforms across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 26, 2024
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Top Cloud Management Platforms in 2024

Explore the top 13 cloud management platforms for 2024. Learn about key features, emerging trends, and how to choose the right solution for your organization's multi-cloud strategy and optimization needs.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 19, 2024
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Cutting Revenue Losses with Cloud Optimization

Discover how cloud optimization goes beyond cost-cutting to boost revenue. Learn about FCI, latency, and availability losses, and how to minimize them for maximum profitability.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 13, 2024
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Smart Cloud Spending: Effective Approaches to Cloud Cost Management and Optimization

Best practices for cloud cost management and optimization include cost visibility, automating infrastructure rightsizing, and building cost-awareness culture within teams.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 14, 2024
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10 Ways AI is Revolutionizing FinOps

Discover how AI is transforming FinOps with autonomous optimization, predictive forecasting, and intelligent cost management. Learn 10 key ways AI revolutionizes cloud financial operations and prepares your organization for the future of FinOps.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 15, 2024
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Supercharging Karpenter with AI: How Sedai Takes Kubernetes Scaling to the Next Level

Optimize Kubernetes performance and cost with Karpenter and Sedai. Learn how AI-driven insights enhance node provisioning, predictive scaling, and instance selection.
Written by
Hari Chandrasekhar
Published on
August 14, 2024
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The Dawn of Autonomous Platform Engineering

Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 9, 2024
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Autonomous DevOps: Integrating IaC with Autonomous Systems

Learn how to seamlessly integrate Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with autonomous systems for cloud cost & resource optimization. This guide explores strategies for maintaining DevOps best practices while leveraging AI-driven optimization in CI/CD pipelines, ensuring your IaC remains accurate and your cloud costs are minimized. Ci/CD tools mentioned include Jenkins, Argo CD, Circle CI and GitLab CD. IaC tools mentioned include Terraform, Ansible, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), Puppet and Helm. A case study showing how Gitlab IaC is integrated with Sedai's autonomous optimization capability at KnowBe4, a leading cybersecurity platform is included.
Written by
Hari Chandrasekhar
Published on
November 30, 2023
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Key ROI Drivers for Autonomous Optimization

Explore the key value drivers of autonomous cloud management, guided by the framework in the diagram below which focuses on four main drivers: Cloud Cost Reduction, Performance Gains, Availability Gains and Operational Time Saved.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
July 5, 2024
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Declaration of Independence from Toil

When in the course of technological evolution, it becomes necessary for engineers to break free from repetitive tasks and embrace innovation, a new approach is required. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all engineers deserve the right to meaningful, creative, and innovative work, free from the burdens of toil. Join the movement towards efficiency and freedom from toil.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
July 4, 2024
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Why Choose a Reservation Plan Over a Savings Plan? A Common but Crucial Question

Discover why many organizations choose Reservation Plans over Savings Plans in cloud financial optimization. Explore the benefits of cost predictability, higher discounts, enterprise agreements, and accounting advantages, even with minimal additional costs. Learn how Reservation Plans can impact your financial strategy and cloud usage effectively.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
June 3, 2024
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Autonomous FinOps: The Future of Cloud Cost Management

In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey with IT directors and IT organizations, one of the key takeaways was that FinOps is one of the most important and emerging practices that they have been adopting throughout their IT and technology organizations in the last couple of years.
Written by
Nikhil Gopinath
Published on
June 7, 2024
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The Amazon ECS Optimization Journey: From Manual to Autonomous

While each organization’s approach is different let’s consider a journey through four stages of maturity from high-touch, manual processes to sophisticated, intelligent systems that enhance performance and cost-efficiency with minimal human intervention.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
May 24, 2024
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Reducing Incidents with Autonomous Cloud Management: 7 Lessons from Autonomous Vehicles

The development of autonomous vehicles as a solution to vehicle accidents provides parallels for the development of autonomous cloud management as a path to incident reduction. Explore key lessons on reducing human error, leveraging AI, incremental progress, phased rollouts, and building user trust to enhance system reliability and safety.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
May 27, 2024
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The Future is Autonomous: the AI-Driven Revolution in Cloud Management

Traditional manual and rule-based automated systems struggle to keep up with the complexity of managing cloud environments leads to persistent issues with cost control and performance optimization. It's time to take the next step in cloud management—AI-driven autonomous cloud management platforms are solving the complexity challenge in modern cloud environments.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
May 23, 2024
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Using Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a widely-used object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. S3 has a variety of storage classes.
Written by
Sreejith Narayana Pillai
Published on
May 20, 2024
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Choosing Amazon S3 Storage Classes: Key Considerations

Key considerations when choosing Amazon S3 storage class include access frequency, performance (retrieval time), availability, durability, and cost. S3 Standard is ideal for frequently accessed data. S3 Standard-IA and One Zone-IA are cost-effective for infrequent access. Glacier, Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and Glacier Deep Archive offer substantial cost savings for long-term archival storage. Intelligent Tiering is beneficial for unpredictable access patterns, automating cost savings by transitioning data between tiers.
Written by
Sreejith Narayana Pillai
Published on
May 19, 2024
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Using Amazon ECS Spot, Savings Plan and Reserved Instances to Optimize Costs

Discover AWS pricing models for ECS in this guide, covering On-Demand, Reserved Instances, Savings Plans, and Spot Instances. Learn how On-Demand instances offer a flexible pay-as-you-go model for fluctuating workloads, and explore the long-term discounts available with Reserved Instances and Savings Plans for predictable usage. Delve into Spot Instances, which provide steep discounts for fault-tolerant or stateless applications. This article also explains how to optimize costs and ensure availability by mixing On-Demand and Spot capacities, with a focus on ECS’s capabilities in automating Spot Instance lifecycle management and integrating with AWS Auto Scaling Groups. Perfect for optimizing your AWS spending strategy.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
May 10, 2024
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Four Engineering Optimizations for Amazon ECS

Explore four essential engineering optimizations for Amazon ECS - rightsizing, task placement, autoscaling, and scheduled shutdowns. Learn how to enhance ECS service performance and reduce costs with real-world examples of CPU optimization, memory efficiency, and task management. Discover the benefits of AWS Graviton instances for cost-efficiency and performance, strategic deployment through task placement, and cost savings with larger instance types. Understand how autoscaling adapts to traffic changes and how scheduled resource shutdowns during off-peak hours can further reduce expenses. Optimize your AWS environment for better performance and cost-effectiveness with these proven strategies.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
May 10, 2024
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Amazon ECS Optimization Challenges 

Successful ECS optimization impacts financial performance including both cost savings through reduced overprovisioning and discount management, and revenue gains from application performance and latency gains. While ECS offers a range of controls and strategies, including rightsizing and utilizing spot instances, implementation is complex when managed with manual methods.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
May 10, 2024
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Understanding Amazon ECS

In this post we'll take a look at ECS vs other Amazon Compute models and some key concepts in Amazon ECS.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
May 10, 2024
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Introducing AI-Powered Rightsizing for AWS EC2 VMs

In environments where applications are not suitable for microservices architectures, rightsizing and in particular vertical scaling becomes a critical strategy to achieve cost-effective operations while meeting performance requirements.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
May 7, 2024
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Introducing AI-Powered Automated Rightsizing for Azure VMs

In environments where applications are not suitable for microservices architectures, rightsizing and in particular vertical scaling becomes a critical strategy to achieve cost-effective operations while meeting performance requirements.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
May 7, 2024
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Rightsizing Kubernetes Dev/Test Environments: Saving $500K/yr in 60 Days

A technology company achieved a 25% cost saving across 1,400 Kubernetes services with Sedai's autonomous optimization technology by rightsizing Dev/Test environments. AI-powered autonomous optimization optimized Kubernetes requests and limits in Kubernetes workloads and optimized instance count and type. An AI driven approach was more effective than manual optimization, especially given the small spend on each individual service. Optimization is one key capability of Sedai's autonomous cloud management platform.
Written by
Hari Chandrasekhar
Published on
April 30, 2024
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Using Scheduled Shutdowns to Optimize Amazon ECS Development Costs

Keeping Amazon ECS development & testing environments workloads running when they're not actively used can lead to considerable expenses for teams.Implementing scheduled shutdowns of Amazon ECS cloud resources when not in use can lead to cloud cost savings with relatively little implementation effort.Four ways to achieve shutdowns for Amazon ECS include (1) manual shutdowns, (2) Lambda functions, (3) Cloudwatch templates and (4) schedules inside a platform such as Sedai.
Written by
Aby Jacob
Published on
April 22, 2024
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Five Capabilities of Autonomous Cloud Management Systems

Learn about five key differences between autonomous and traditional automated systems. These include 1. Intelligent Decision-Making, 2. Dynamic Adaptability and Context-Awareness, 3. Self-Correcting Capability, 4. Complexity and 5. Scalability and Limited Human Oversight.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
April 21, 2024
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Autonomous Optimization of Amazon ECS at KnowBe4

KnowBe4's autonomous journey has led to 98% of their Amazon. ECS and Lambda services running autonomously, with a 27% cost reduction and over 1,100 autonomous actions in the past 3 months. KnowBe4 fhad aced an optimization challenge with their Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) services, leading them to adopt Sedai's autonomous optimization to reduce toil for engineers and improve efficiency. KnowBe4 implemented a three-part approach (Crawl, Walk, Run) to gradually adopt autonomous optimization, resulting in significant cost savings and performance gains.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
April 14, 2024
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Mastering Autonomous Optimization for Amazon ECS

In this post, we will cover how to master Amazon ECS optimization using autonomous techniques. The autonomous approach can help with both ECS cost optimization and performance optimization.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
April 14, 2024
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Three Major Levers to Optimize ECS Costs

To optimize AWS ECS costs, focus on workload optimization by right-sizing resources, configuring efficient infrastructure with the appropriate instance types and mix, and making strategic purchasing decisions such as leveraging Savings Plans or Reserved Instances.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
April 7, 2024
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The Value of Autonomous Cloud Management

Cloud cost and time savings drive the "above the surface" benefits of autonomous cloud management, but "below the surface" benefits including customer experience gains, release quality, employee retention and adaptability contribute to the overall value realized from autonomous cloud management.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
March 26, 2024
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Four Business Case Benefits of Autonomous Cloud Management

Your autonomous business case should consider cloud cost savings, performance gains, availability improvements and time savings. Operations teams looking to adopt autonomous optimization need to show business value to get buy-in from leadership.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
March 26, 2024
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Optimizing AWS ECS Costs: Sedai Demo & Walk-through

Walkthrough of Sedai's autonomous optimization for ECS showing ECS service optimization, instance optimization, and purchasing levers. An autonomous cloud-management platform designed to optimize performance, cost, and availability for your ECS (Elastic Container Service) clusters.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
August 22, 2022
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7 Strategies to Optimize ECS Costs

Hello everyone! In this article, we will discuss seven effective strategies to optimize costs for AWS ECS. This discussion is based on the joint webinar between Sedai and AWS, which you can watch here.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
March 5, 2023
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Cutting eCommerce Latency with Autonomous Optimization

fabric is a modular and headless platform tailored for modern eCommerce applications, with a primary focus on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. fabric's mission is to empower retailers to streamline their commerce operations across various channels by creating custom functions through interconnected components. Gone are the days of relying solely on prepackaged systems; they embrace a more flexible and adaptable approach to meet the evolving needs of their clients.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Using AI /ML for Fraud Detection & Scaling with Autonomous Operations

Manu Thapar, CTO of Mastercard discusses the application of AI/ML to credit card fraud detection systems and how moving from a rules based system to a system that can self-learn and operate autonomously was key to successfully keeping up with constantly changing credit card fraud risks. Manu spoke at autocon, Sedai's annual conference focused on autonomous cloud management.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Why Autonomous Cloud Management is the Future

In today's fast-paced and demanding IT world, professionals and individuals face increasing pressure to do more with less time for evaluation and beta testing. The focus on delivering value to customers is often overshadowed by flashy marketing gimmicks. However, customer satisfaction is crucial for business success. The realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has shifted towards practical applications and collaborative autonomy, where autonomous systems work together with humans. This article delves into the practical aspects of autonomy, discussing the challenges and benefits of implementing autonomous cloud management in various industries. It highlights insights from industry experts on the transition to autonomy, practical approaches, building trust, and managing expectations. The article showcases real-world examples of organizations such as Palo Alto Networks, Paylocity, and Fabric that have successfully implemented autonomous systems to enhance productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Serverless vs. Kubernetes: Is there a right path?

This article is my summary of an insightful panel discussion on the topic of Serverless versus Kubernetes. We will delve into the valuable perspectives shared by esteemed industry professionals during the panel. The discussion aims to shed light on the relationship between serverless architectures and Kubernetes, focusing on the logic behind utilizing Kubernetes for stateless applications. Through an exploration of different viewpoints, we aim to gain a better understanding of the merits and considerations surrounding these two approaches. You can watch the full video here.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Optimizing Cloud Costs & Performance with Autonomous Cloud: Panel Discussion with PayPal, TopCoder and Ironclad Engineering Leaders

In this article which serves as a summary of a collaborative panel discussion on monitoring and optimization strategies for cloud-based systems, we delve into the exciting advancements in this rapidly evolving landscape. We focus on crucial aspects such as cost management, performance optimization, and the emergence of autonomous solutions. Join us as we explore insights from the panelists and gain valuable perspectives on these topics. You can watch the full video here.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
April 8, 2024
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The Business Case for Autonomous Cloud Management

In this article, we delve into the reintroduction of autonomous infrastructure within the realm of large-scale systems, shedding light on the transformative changes that have taken place in infrastructure development over the past few decades. The insights shared here are the result of a collaborative effort involving multiple speakers who engaged in a thought-provoking discussion, comparing the distinctions between traditional monolithic systems and emerging paradigms such as Kubernetes and serverless environments. The focus lies on highlighting the advantages offered by enhanced flexibility and access to a diverse range of tools. As the conversation unfolds, we shift our attention towards the crucial role that autonomous systems play in this dynamic landscape and why relying solely on automation falls short of our aspirations. By embracing autonomy, we open up new possibilities to transcend the previously inevitable trade-offs that accompanied investment decisions, business choices, and market strategies. We reflect on the age-old dilemma where one must choose between something being good, fast, or cheap, realizing that achieving all three simultaneously has long been an elusive goal. However, our speakers firmly believe that with advancements in technology and the successful implementation of autonomy, these trade-offs can be overcome.
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Published on
August 22, 2022
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What is an Autonomous System?

Is Tesla known for building the safest car on earth? They made an interesting discovery regarding task division. By examining all operations, they identified two distinct segments: One that can be effectively performed by machines and another that is better suited for humans. When the first segment is completely handled by machines without any human intervention, it is referred to as an autonomous system. This means that the system operates autonomously.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
April 7, 2024
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Kubernetes Cluster Scaling Challenges

In this article we will explore the reasons behind our adoption of Kubernetes, delve into the concept of autoscaling within Kubernetes, and specifically focus on cluster autoscaling. Throughout this article, we will examine the various tools that enable cluster autoscaling configuration
Written by
Dijeesh Padinharethil
Published on
April 25, 2024
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Making Your Kubernetes Applications Autonomous

In the past few years, we have seen a huge increase in adoption for Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an excellent platform, which provides you with all the facilities to fine-tune your application and run it the way you need. We at Sedai, use Kubernetes for deploying our applications along with surveillance and some other managed services from AWS. One question we get a lot is “Is there a need for another system or an autonomous system to manage Kubernetes?” Kubernetes is in fact a declarative system, an excellent one at which you can specify the needs of running your application, and Kubernetes will take care of the rest.
Written by
Hari Chandrasekhar
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Cutting Serverless Latency by 50 with Autonomous Optimization

In this article, we will explore the world of optimization, with a special focus on serverless functions, particularly those leveraging Lambda. We will dive into how Sedai, a cutting-edge solution, helps in optimizing serverless functions. Sedai offers invaluable insights and tools that enable businesses to identify and address niche areas where optimization can make a significant impact.
Written by
Nikhil Gopinath
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Moving to NoOps with Autonomous and Serverless

Today, we're going to explore the concept of running a software company without the need for an operations team or an SRE team. We'll discuss the evolving landscape of operations and its implications for developers. This discussion will be presented from a developer's perspective.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Achieving Autonomous Management with Datadog

Datadog can be utilized to achieve autonomous cloud environments in just 15 minutes. We'll discuss the partnership between Sedai and DataDog, the integration they have developed, and how customers can leverage Datadog to automate manual processes. The goal is to guide customers towards a fully autonomous system. By following our guidance, you can transform your investment in Datadog into a self-driving engine. Stay tuned as we reveal the steps to unlock the full potential of Datadog and empower your cloud environments.
Written by
Alex Sweetser
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Understanding Lambda Extensions

In this article, we'll be exploring an important topic: Lambda Extensions. These extensions are a powerful feature that was introduced last year. So, let's jump straight into it and understand the details of this valuable addition.
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Published on
March 28, 2024
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FCIs Are the New Availability

Failed Customer Interactions (FCIs) are a valuable metric measuring customer experience that accounts for the declining usefulness of time based measures such as uptime in microservice based architectures. It provides valuable insights into system availability from a customer-centric standpoint.
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Published on
April 26, 2024
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Autonomous Builds on Observability: Picking the right metrics

Learn strategies for enhanced system performance and reliability. See how observability metrics lay the foundation for autonomous systems, and how Palo Alto Networks approaches production metrics. Explore the potential problems associated with an overwhelming influx of data and metrics and how ML-driven correlation analysis can identify truly predictive metrics in an environment with multiple monitoring providers, multiple resource types, real-time data stress and predictive analytics. See how Palo Alto Network uses a multi-stage approach that includes a notice filter, aggregation, analysis, auto-remediation and notifications.
Written by
Nikhil Gopinath
Published on
August 22, 2022
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The End of Cold Starts: Autonomous Concurrency for AWS Lambda

A comprehensive overview of how Sedai addresses the challenge of cold starts through the implementation of autonomous concurrency. We explore the history of cold starts, their underlying causes, and their relationship with concurrency before showing how an AI based approach can resolve cold starts.
Written by
Nikhil Gopinath
Published on
August 22, 2022
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The Impact of Autonomous Systems

This article, based on the kickoff session from the autocon/22 conference, sets the stage for the event by outlining the significance of autonomous systems in cloud management. It explores how autonomous systems have revolutionized various industries and highlights their transformative potential.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
March 28, 2024
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Using Kubernetes Autoscalers to Optimize for Cost and Performance

We explore the key role of autoscaling in optimizing performance and cost within Kubernetes. Specifically, we delve into two critical autoscalers—Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)—and shed light on their functionalities, benefits, and limitations.
Written by
Pooja Malik
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Sedai brought the magic to SREcon23

Discover how Sedai brought AI-driven autonomous cloud management to SREcon23 Americas. Learn about our platform demos, magician entertainment, and special offers for conference attendees. Explore how Sedai can help SREs optimize resources, reduce costs, and prevent downtime
Written by
Hylan Vo
Published on
March 28, 2023
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Sedai 2022 Year in Review

It's been a fantastic year for Sedai, and we're proud to share our year-end accomplishments with you in five areas.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
January 1, 2023
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2023 Autonomous Cloud Management Predictions

Sedai CEO Suresh Mathew shares eight predictions for 2023 and explains what they could mean for the adoption of autonomous cloud management.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
December 23, 2022
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Three Takeaways from Sedai's Datadog Dash 2022 Survey

Our Datadog Dash 2022 survey found cost is the #1 challenge for Datadog users, that autonomous systems are on average expected to provide a 48% gain on these challenges, and that Datadog users are well down the path of running modern apps with 77% using containers and 36% using serverless.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
October 28, 2022
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Improving Lambda Performance & Availability at Scale with the New AWS Telemetry API

Sedai is a launch partner for AWS for their new Telemetry API for AWS Lambda. Sedai uses the telemetry API to improve availability for Lambda users of Sedai’s autonomous cloud management platform by providing additional insights and signals on Lambda functions on a cost-effective basis.
Written by
Nikhil Gopinath
Published on
October 26, 2022
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Sedai Joins AWS ISV Accelerate Program

Sedai has been accepted into the AWS Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Accelerate Program.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
September 23, 2022
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The Answer Isn’t Shift Left or Shift Right — It’s Shift Up

Microservices architectures are rapidly becoming the new norm architects rely on when it comes to cloud computing. There has been a lot of debate whether it's best to shift left, or shift right. With Microservices, organizations must shift up, and manage their systems autonomously.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
July 8, 2022
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Why B2B Application Performance & Latency Matter

Performance & latency matter for B2B SaaS Applications, impacting user experience and ultimately retention and revenue.
Written by
John Jamie
Published on
May 31, 2024
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Take the 2022 State of SRE Survey

We are proud to sponsor the DevOps Institute 2022 State of SRE report.
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Published on
March 14, 2022
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Sedai Raises $15M Funding for Autonomous Cloud Management

We raised more than $15M in Series A funding led by Norwest Venture Partners. We are defining the future of SRE. Join us in the autonomous movement!
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Published on
March 14, 2022
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[VIDEO] Join the Autonomous Movement

From ensuring the highest levels of uptime availability to optimizing your code releases and cloud costs, learn how Sedai's autonomous cloud platform can become a staple in your SRE tool kit.
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Published on
March 14, 2022
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[VIDEO] The Autonomous Cloud Platform Built for SREs

Sedai automatically discovers resources, intelligently analyzes traffic and performance metrics and continuously manages your production environments — without manual thresholds or human intervention. Try the autonomous cloud platform for free at
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Published on
March 14, 2022
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Announcing Availability of Autonomous Cloud Management Platform

Announcing the availability of the Sedai Autonomous Cloud Management Platform. We welcome you to sign up for a free Sedai account and experience the future of site reliability engineering — autonomous.
Written by
Benjamin Thomas
Published on
March 14, 2022
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Smart Recommendations for a Serverless-first Strategy

Div Shekhar, AWS Solution Architect, shares how AWS customers Coca-Cola, Nielsen Marketing Cloud and Lego are driving agility, increasing performance and improving security with a serverless strategy. Suresh Mathew, founder of Sedai, also shares the benefits of continuous and autonomous management of Lambda environments.
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Published on
March 13, 2022
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Sedai to Open New R&D Center in India

Today we announced our Series A funding, and we are thrilled to announce we are opening a new product engineering division in Thiruvananthapuram to advance the autonomous movement.
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Published on
March 13, 2022
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Solving Serverless Challenges with Smart Provisioned Concurrency

Get all the benefits of serverless with provisioned concurrency when it’s intelligently managed for you. Sedai will adjust based on your seasonality, dependencies, traffic, and anything else it is seeing in the platform.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
March 12, 2022
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How Autonomous Systems Differ from Automated Systems, and Why SREs Should Care

While the shift from monolith to microservices changed the game in regard to deployments and team velocity, it simultaneously introduced the monotony of daily repetitive work and manual tasks. SREs and DevOps now need to entirely rethink how teams manage their applications on a day-to-day basis.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
March 9, 2022
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How Autonomous Cloud Management and Proactive Actions Can Help SREs

In this post, we’ll take a look at another piece of the microservices puzzle — proactive actions and the role they can and should play in keeping your business operations running smoothly.
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
March 9, 2022
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How Autonomous SLOs Save Time and Money

With so many microservices, how can DevOps teams effectively manage, measure, and take appropriate action on SLOs?
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
March 9, 2022
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Managing Microservices? Why You Need Autonomous Cloud Management

Managing and maintaining all of the microservices in your cloud environment can be costly, tedious, and time-consuming. But what if there were some way to simplify cloud management with always-learning, always-available technology?
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
March 9, 2022
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Pushing Software Faster and Safer: Autonomous Release Intelligence

How can DevOps teams continue to ensure release quality when releases are constantly occurring?
Written by
Suresh Mathew
Published on
March 9, 2022
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Recent Blogs


Best Cloud Cost Management Platforms in 2024

Best Cloud Cost Management Platforms in 2024
Discover the top 18 cloud cost management tools for 2024. Learn how to optimize your cloud spend, reduce waste, and align costs with business goals using AI-driven platforms across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
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Published on
August 26, 2024
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Cloud Cost & Performance Optimization


Smart Cloud Spending: Effective Approaches to Cloud Cost Management and Optimization

Smart Cloud Spending: Effective Approaches to Cloud Cost Management and Optimization
Best practices for cloud cost management and optimization include cost visibility, automating infrastructure rightsizing, and building cost-awareness culture within teams.
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Published on
August 14, 2024
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Autonomous FinOps: The Future of Cloud Cost Management

Autonomous FinOps: The Future of Cloud Cost Management
In a recent survey conducted by McKinsey with IT directors and IT organizations, one of the key takeaways was that FinOps is one of the most important and emerging practices that they have been adopting throughout their IT and technology organizations in the last couple of years.
Published on
June 7, 2024
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Rightsizing Kubernetes Dev/Test Environments: Saving $500K/yr in 60 Days

Rightsizing Kubernetes Dev/Test Environments: Saving $500K/yr in 60 Days
A technology company achieved a 25% cost saving across 1,400 Kubernetes services with Sedai's autonomous optimization technology by rightsizing Dev/Test environments. AI-powered autonomous optimization optimized Kubernetes requests and limits in Kubernetes workloads and optimized instance count and type. An AI driven approach was more effective than manual optimization, especially given the small spend on each individual service. Optimization is one key capability of Sedai's autonomous cloud management platform.
Published on
April 30, 2024
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A New Way to Virtually Eliminate Cold Starts for AWS Lambda: Autonomous concurrency 

A New Way to Virtually Eliminate Cold Starts for AWS Lambda: Autonomous concurrency 
Serverless computing has many benefits for application development in the cloud. It’s not surprising that given its promise to lower costs, reduce operational complexity, and increase DevOps efficiencies, serverless adoption is gaining more momentum every year. Serverless is now seeing an estimated adoption rate in over 50% of all public cloud customers. However, one of the prevailing challenges for customers using serverless has been performance, specifically “cold starts.” Here, I want to explore all the popular remedies available to reduce cold starts, their benefits, and pitfalls, and finally, how a new autonomous concurrency solution from Sedai may be the answer to solving cold starts once and for all.
Published on
November 28, 2022
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Improving Lambda Performance & Availability at Scale with the New AWS Telemetry API

Improving Lambda Performance & Availability at Scale with the New AWS Telemetry API
Sedai is a launch partner for AWS for their new Telemetry API for AWS Lambda. Sedai uses the telemetry API to improve availability for Lambda users of Sedai’s autonomous cloud management platform by providing additional insights and signals on Lambda functions on a cost-effective basis.
Published on
October 26, 2022
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Smart Recommendations for a Serverless-first Strategy

Smart Recommendations for a Serverless-first Strategy
Div Shekhar, AWS Solution Architect, shares how AWS customers Coca-Cola, Nielsen Marketing Cloud and Lego are driving agility, increasing performance and improving security with a serverless strategy. Suresh Mathew, founder of Sedai, also shares the benefits of continuous and autonomous management of Lambda environments.
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Published on
March 13, 2022
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Supercharging Karpenter with AI: How Sedai Takes Kubernetes Scaling to the Next Level

Optimize Kubernetes performance and cost with Karpenter and Sedai. Learn how AI-driven insights enhance node provisioning, predictive scaling, and instance selection.
Supercharging Karpenter with AI: How Sedai Takes Kubernetes Scaling to the Next Level
Published on
August 14, 2024
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Understanding Amazon ECS

In this post we'll take a look at ECS vs other Amazon Compute models and some key concepts in Amazon ECS.
Understanding Amazon ECS
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Published on
May 10, 2024
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Kubernetes Cluster Scaling Challenges

In this article we will explore the reasons behind our adoption of Kubernetes, delve into the concept of autoscaling within Kubernetes, and specifically focus on cluster autoscaling. Throughout this article, we will examine the various tools that enable cluster autoscaling configuration
Kubernetes Cluster Scaling Challenges
Published on
April 25, 2024
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DevOps / SRE


Autonomous DevOps: Integrating IaC with Autonomous Systems

Autonomous DevOps: Integrating IaC with Autonomous Systems
Learn how to seamlessly integrate Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with autonomous systems for cloud cost & resource optimization. This guide explores strategies for maintaining DevOps best practices while leveraging AI-driven optimization in CI/CD pipelines, ensuring your IaC remains accurate and your cloud costs are minimized. Ci/CD tools mentioned include Jenkins, Argo CD, Circle CI and GitLab CD. IaC tools mentioned include Terraform, Ansible, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), Puppet and Helm. A case study showing how Gitlab IaC is integrated with Sedai's autonomous optimization capability at KnowBe4, a leading cybersecurity platform is included.
Published on
November 30, 2023
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Sedai brought the magic to SREcon23

Sedai brought the magic to SREcon23
Discover how Sedai brought AI-driven autonomous cloud management to SREcon23 Americas. Learn about our platform demos, magician entertainment, and special offers for conference attendees. Explore how Sedai can help SREs optimize resources, reduce costs, and prevent downtime
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Published on
March 28, 2023
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2023 Autonomous Cloud Management Predictions

2023 Autonomous Cloud Management Predictions
Sedai CEO Suresh Mathew shares eight predictions for 2023 and explains what they could mean for the adoption of autonomous cloud management.
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Published on
December 23, 2022
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The End of Cold Starts: Autonomous Concurrency for AWS Lambda

The End of Cold Starts: Autonomous Concurrency for AWS Lambda
A comprehensive overview of how Sedai addresses the challenge of cold starts through the implementation of autonomous concurrency. We explore the history of cold starts, their underlying causes, and their relationship with concurrency before showing how an AI based approach can resolve cold starts.
Published on
August 22, 2022
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Sedai Joins AWS ISV Accelerate Program

Sedai Joins AWS ISV Accelerate Program
Sedai has been accepted into the AWS Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Accelerate Program.
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Published on
September 23, 2022
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