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Announcing Availability of Autonomous Cloud Management Platform

Last updated

June 24, 2024

Last updated

June 24, 2024

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Announcing Availability of Autonomous Cloud Management Platform

I’m excited to announce the availability of the Sedai Autonomous Cloud Management Platform.  We welcome you to sign up for a free Sedai account and experience the future of site reliability engineering — autonomous.

Today, we also announced an $18M investment in Sedai which will help us expand our platform support and grow the Sedai community. 

A Better Way for SREs

In today’s cloud, the shift from legacy monolithic applications to a microservice-based architecture is critical in order to better deliver more efficient, flexible, and positive customer experiences. However, effectively managing hundreds or thousands of microservices comes with its own set of challenges.

Production environments are increasingly complex and require SREs to constantly monitor an ever-growing number of resources while continually maintaining high levels of availability. For SREs today, automated runbooks and manual thresholds will not be able to keep up with their growing pressure to scale. At Sedai, we believe an SRE's time is better spent on innovation.

Autonomous and Toil-Free

Sedai is an autonomous co-pilot for SREs that proactively manages production environments on their behalf. For SREs, this means they no longer have to spend hours on toil-related work. 

Instead, Sedai detects potential issues at the earliest onset of symptoms and independently acts to optimize for availability, performance and cost. Sedai's context-aware, AI-based autonomous cloud platform is reshaping how teams manage platform reliability by helping them effortlessly achieve 5 9s application availability and improve cloud efficiency by more than 30 percent.

An Autonomous SRE Autopilot

As an autonomous system, Sedai is intelligent enough to configure itself for an effortless setup and doesn’t require manual thresholds. The platform seamlessly connects to your cloud and monitoring data, automatically discovers your resources, and intelligently learns and analyzes performance metrics. Sedai continuously learns from managing your production environments through proactive actions and insights—all without human intervention. 

The autonomous cloud platform is built on machine learning and predictive analytics

Sedai Intelligently Discovers Your Cloud Environment

The Sedai Discovery engine automatically detects your entire cloud environment, and intelligently prioritizes your data for you. It provides a unified view of your cloud providers, cluster managers, APMs, monitoring metrics, ITSM change tickets, and real-time traffic data.

The Discovery engine is designed to make setup quick and easy so you can immediately benefit from an intelligent autopilot. Some of the key capabilities of the Discovery engine include:

  • Agentless approach: To get set up, simply choose how you want to share secure access for Sedai to collect your data for you.
  • Automatic metric priority: Not only does Sedai select the most important metrics, it also intelligently prioritizes metrics from all connected monitoring tools.
  • Unified visibility: Simplify how you manage multiple clouds with a comprehensive view of all applications and serverless functions.


Sedai’s Discovery engine maps cloud topology in less than 5 minutes.

Advanced AI/ML Model for Decision and Analysis

Sedai’s Decision engine applies advanced machine learning to traffic and monitoring data and combines it with a deep understanding of resource dependencies. Through expert analysis, Sedai constantly analyzes production trends for symptoms of potential issues as well as opportunities to improve cloud operations.

The Decision engine augments an SRE’s ability to manage microservices at scale through comprehensive deep analysis of all of your production environments. It understands exactly what’s going on in your cloud and intelligently compares scenarios to clearly identify the best and safest path forward to effectively manage day-to-day operations. As the core intelligence to the Sedai platform, some of the key capabilities of the Decision engine include:

  • Context-aware: The platform synthesizes the complexity of your cloud to intelligently decipher traffic patterns, resource dependencies, and metric performance.
  • Safety: Sedai performs extensive safety checks to determine if, when, and how it can potentially intervene so that any action is guaranteed to not do any harm. 
  • Core intelligence: With AI/ML, Sedai applies predictive analytics to identify opportunities to prevent issues and improve performance.
  • Smart SLOs: Sedai extrapolates trend analysis for performance and traffic to automatically define target SLO baselines for all of your resources.


Sedai’s Decision engine analyzes and learns from production environments.


Easily Manage Production with Proactive Actions 

Sedai generates actions once the platform determines it can autonomously, safely, and effectively act in production on an SRE’s behalf. Each action is carefully vetted by the system to prevent issues, enhance availability, reduce risk, and improve cloud costs. 

By proactively acting, Sedai helps SREs eliminate the repetitive and mundane daily toil work. We believe that an SRE’s time should be spent focusing on higher order tasks and innovative work instead. 

Proactive Actions are designed to be autonomous, but can also be switched to manual mode for an SRE to review. These actions primarily address:

  • Optimization: Sedai assesses resource configurations to find the equilibrium for improved performance and reduced cloud costs (you can also customize how Sedai manages resources by prioritizing one over the other).
  • Availability: The platform reacts to potential issues before they impact your customers through early detection at the onset of symptoms.
  • Performance: Sedai will proactively intervene if a resource is on track to breach its error budget or SLO.



Autonomously improve cloud efficiency and performance with Proactive Actions.

Continuous Learning and Insights for Developers and SREs

Sedai is intelligent enough to identify when it can proactively act on an SRE’s behalf, but the platform is also designed for key human-in-the-loop feedback. With developer and SRE Insights, Sedai provides at-a-glance understanding to help teams enhance how they run in production by revealing code inefficiencies. 

With release intelligence, Sedai autonomously identifies deployments and configuration changes and uses AI/ML to analyze performance over time. Insights empower teams to see beyond the release and adapt Sedai’s recommendations to improve how they code through:

  • Smart scorecards: Sedai detects and grades a release’s metric deviation in varying traffic levels to show how performance changed.
  • Trend analysis: The platform compares releases’ saturation, duration, and error metrics so that you can understand how code has evolved between releases.
  • Configuration changes: Sedai sees how code changes between releases and recommends configuration changes to optimize performance.


Insights alert you to potential issues before they become problems. 

The Future of Site Reliability is Autonomous

At Sedai we are leading the movement to autonomous and a world where an SRE never even receives an alert but uptime and latency are fully optimized. Having an intelligent SRE autopilot will soon be a must have, not a nice to have, allowing SREs to focus on innovation and sustainable systems.

We invite you to join us in the movement to autonomous. Join our Slack community and let’s SRE smarter!  

More ways to connect with Sedai

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Announcing Availability of Autonomous Cloud Management Platform

Published on
Last updated on

June 24, 2024

Max 3 min
Announcing Availability of Autonomous Cloud Management Platform

I’m excited to announce the availability of the Sedai Autonomous Cloud Management Platform.  We welcome you to sign up for a free Sedai account and experience the future of site reliability engineering — autonomous.

Today, we also announced an $18M investment in Sedai which will help us expand our platform support and grow the Sedai community. 

A Better Way for SREs

In today’s cloud, the shift from legacy monolithic applications to a microservice-based architecture is critical in order to better deliver more efficient, flexible, and positive customer experiences. However, effectively managing hundreds or thousands of microservices comes with its own set of challenges.

Production environments are increasingly complex and require SREs to constantly monitor an ever-growing number of resources while continually maintaining high levels of availability. For SREs today, automated runbooks and manual thresholds will not be able to keep up with their growing pressure to scale. At Sedai, we believe an SRE's time is better spent on innovation.

Autonomous and Toil-Free

Sedai is an autonomous co-pilot for SREs that proactively manages production environments on their behalf. For SREs, this means they no longer have to spend hours on toil-related work. 

Instead, Sedai detects potential issues at the earliest onset of symptoms and independently acts to optimize for availability, performance and cost. Sedai's context-aware, AI-based autonomous cloud platform is reshaping how teams manage platform reliability by helping them effortlessly achieve 5 9s application availability and improve cloud efficiency by more than 30 percent.

An Autonomous SRE Autopilot

As an autonomous system, Sedai is intelligent enough to configure itself for an effortless setup and doesn’t require manual thresholds. The platform seamlessly connects to your cloud and monitoring data, automatically discovers your resources, and intelligently learns and analyzes performance metrics. Sedai continuously learns from managing your production environments through proactive actions and insights—all without human intervention. 

The autonomous cloud platform is built on machine learning and predictive analytics

Sedai Intelligently Discovers Your Cloud Environment

The Sedai Discovery engine automatically detects your entire cloud environment, and intelligently prioritizes your data for you. It provides a unified view of your cloud providers, cluster managers, APMs, monitoring metrics, ITSM change tickets, and real-time traffic data.

The Discovery engine is designed to make setup quick and easy so you can immediately benefit from an intelligent autopilot. Some of the key capabilities of the Discovery engine include:

  • Agentless approach: To get set up, simply choose how you want to share secure access for Sedai to collect your data for you.
  • Automatic metric priority: Not only does Sedai select the most important metrics, it also intelligently prioritizes metrics from all connected monitoring tools.
  • Unified visibility: Simplify how you manage multiple clouds with a comprehensive view of all applications and serverless functions.


Sedai’s Discovery engine maps cloud topology in less than 5 minutes.

Advanced AI/ML Model for Decision and Analysis

Sedai’s Decision engine applies advanced machine learning to traffic and monitoring data and combines it with a deep understanding of resource dependencies. Through expert analysis, Sedai constantly analyzes production trends for symptoms of potential issues as well as opportunities to improve cloud operations.

The Decision engine augments an SRE’s ability to manage microservices at scale through comprehensive deep analysis of all of your production environments. It understands exactly what’s going on in your cloud and intelligently compares scenarios to clearly identify the best and safest path forward to effectively manage day-to-day operations. As the core intelligence to the Sedai platform, some of the key capabilities of the Decision engine include:

  • Context-aware: The platform synthesizes the complexity of your cloud to intelligently decipher traffic patterns, resource dependencies, and metric performance.
  • Safety: Sedai performs extensive safety checks to determine if, when, and how it can potentially intervene so that any action is guaranteed to not do any harm. 
  • Core intelligence: With AI/ML, Sedai applies predictive analytics to identify opportunities to prevent issues and improve performance.
  • Smart SLOs: Sedai extrapolates trend analysis for performance and traffic to automatically define target SLO baselines for all of your resources.


Sedai’s Decision engine analyzes and learns from production environments.


Easily Manage Production with Proactive Actions 

Sedai generates actions once the platform determines it can autonomously, safely, and effectively act in production on an SRE’s behalf. Each action is carefully vetted by the system to prevent issues, enhance availability, reduce risk, and improve cloud costs. 

By proactively acting, Sedai helps SREs eliminate the repetitive and mundane daily toil work. We believe that an SRE’s time should be spent focusing on higher order tasks and innovative work instead. 

Proactive Actions are designed to be autonomous, but can also be switched to manual mode for an SRE to review. These actions primarily address:

  • Optimization: Sedai assesses resource configurations to find the equilibrium for improved performance and reduced cloud costs (you can also customize how Sedai manages resources by prioritizing one over the other).
  • Availability: The platform reacts to potential issues before they impact your customers through early detection at the onset of symptoms.
  • Performance: Sedai will proactively intervene if a resource is on track to breach its error budget or SLO.



Autonomously improve cloud efficiency and performance with Proactive Actions.

Continuous Learning and Insights for Developers and SREs

Sedai is intelligent enough to identify when it can proactively act on an SRE’s behalf, but the platform is also designed for key human-in-the-loop feedback. With developer and SRE Insights, Sedai provides at-a-glance understanding to help teams enhance how they run in production by revealing code inefficiencies. 

With release intelligence, Sedai autonomously identifies deployments and configuration changes and uses AI/ML to analyze performance over time. Insights empower teams to see beyond the release and adapt Sedai’s recommendations to improve how they code through:

  • Smart scorecards: Sedai detects and grades a release’s metric deviation in varying traffic levels to show how performance changed.
  • Trend analysis: The platform compares releases’ saturation, duration, and error metrics so that you can understand how code has evolved between releases.
  • Configuration changes: Sedai sees how code changes between releases and recommends configuration changes to optimize performance.


Insights alert you to potential issues before they become problems. 

The Future of Site Reliability is Autonomous

At Sedai we are leading the movement to autonomous and a world where an SRE never even receives an alert but uptime and latency are fully optimized. Having an intelligent SRE autopilot will soon be a must have, not a nice to have, allowing SREs to focus on innovation and sustainable systems.

We invite you to join us in the movement to autonomous. Join our Slack community and let’s SRE smarter!  

More ways to connect with Sedai

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